Looking for additional resources on Cystic Fibrosis? Find out what you need to know here:
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) is a nonprofit donor-supported organization and world leader in the search for a CF cure. They provide more money for CF research than any other organization. They approach CF from all angles and support the development of new drugs to improve quality of life with the goal of finding a cure. They are aggressive in their investment in drug research with innovative biotechnology companies and researchers around the world. To find out about CF drugs in development, clinical trials and already in use, visit the development pipeline at http://www.cff.org/research/DrugDevelopmentPipeline and for more information about the CFF visit http://www.cff.org.
Clinical trials
More drugs are in development for CF than ever before. If you have CF, consider participating in a clinical trial. You are needed to aid research and find a cure. To find clinical trial locations, visit http://www.cff.org/research/ClinicalResearch/Find/. You can also visit www.clinicaltrials.gov. When you’re on the website, search for “cystic fibrosis.”
Find a Chapter (fundraising)
Looking for ways to contribute to finding a cure for CF? The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has over 75 chapters and branch offices in the U.S. They work avidly to raise funds to find a cure. The chapters host many events aimed in bringing communities together to support their goals. To find a chapter near you, visit http://www.cff.org/aboutCFFoundation/Locations/FindAChapter/.